Group payment collection made simple

A hands-off, self-serve digital collection experience designed  for businesses serving groups

Made for businesses handling multi-party collection:

Digitize collection workflows

With Leeway, you can trade in your tedious phone calls and error-prone practices for a seamless,self-serve digitized experience. This not only saves you time but also reduces the risk of errors, leading to significant cost savings for your business.

Boost your cash flow

Speed up payment collection and get more cash reserves sooner.

Get real-time visibility into payment status

Leeway automatically tracks and aggregatesreal-time customer data, accessible through a simple-to-use dashboard.

Complete travel itineraries paid for at once

Unify transport, hotels, activities and all other expenses in a single payment.

Offer your customers a way better service

Allow your customers to digitally complete the payment at their convenience, relieving them from distracting phone calls and clunky operations.

Flexibility is the new currency.

Reinvent payment freedom for a future of transformative growth.